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Settling the Score: The Music for Frenzy

Settling the Score: The Music for Frenzy

The Long-Awaited Release of Henry Mancini's Unused Score I was excited when I learned that Quartet Records was releasing the complete original recordings for both Ron Goodwin's and Henry Mancini's scores for Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy. For decades, there was...

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39 Steps Back on Stage

39 Steps Back on Stage

ack! If you missed this show during its last run -- or have been waiting to see it again -- now's your chance. Part-spoof, part-homage, and 100% entertaining!I had the pleasure of hosting the last Talk Back during the last New York run, and hope to be doing that...

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Hitchcock’s Ghost: James Allardice

Hitchcock’s Ghost: James Allardice

It was forty-seven years ago today that Alfred Hitchcock's ghostwriter, James Allardice, died suddenly of a heart attack. For a little more than a decade, Allardice penned the introductions and closings that helped transform the British filmmaker into a household word...

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